Thursday, April 12, 2012

30 weeks

Current stats:
  • Baby girl is currently about 3 pounds, 15" long and hosting a whole barrage of dance parties
  • Net weight gain to date: 10 pounds (but I find the whole weight thing to be terribly unhelpful)
  • Favorite book so far: Birthing From Within
  • Least helpful thing to do: reading online pregnancy websites . . . just don't do it!
  • Favorite pregnancy food: milk, bizarrely enough
  • Favorite guilty pleasure: anything sweet
  • Oddest pregnancy supplement: liquid chlorophyll
  • Favorite chair: large bouncy ball
  • Biggest source of relief: finding a birthing center in West Texas--not as easy as it sounds


  1. this post makes my heart so so happy!!

  2. Are you using a brithing center?!?!?! If you want to discuss this sometime feel free to give me a call or send me an email. Brandon and I used a birthing center and it was amazing. :)
