Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Loving technology

As adults, my sister and I lived in the same town for ten years. I was there when both her kiddos were born. She was there the first time I ever cooked dinner for a boy--and burned it. (Ever the big sister, she came over on zero notice, cooked up a completely new meal out of thin air, and then disappeared before his arrival.) We even trained for a marathon together. Those were ten very fun years. 

Being so far apart now is a bummer. There is just no way around that. And today I was reminded how thankful I am for technology and such things as ichat. Even the stuffed animals were grateful for a reunion.

Beautiful butterfly!

And new hand-waving skills! I'm so proud.

Love you cuties! More than words can say. And as soon as your mama allows, we'll go race the tractors.

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